Species Diversity, 2001, 6, 363-376
New Taxa of Osminiini (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
from China, with Establishment of a New Subgenus
from the Western Palaearctic
Oleg G. Gorbunov1 and Yutaka Arita2
1 A. N. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospekt 33,
Moscow V-71, 117071 Russia
E-mail: ogorbu@orc.ru
2 Zoological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University,
Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468-8502 Japan
E-mail: arita@ccmfs.meijo-u.ac.jp
(Received 12 October 2000; Accepted 15 October 2001)
A new genus, Sazonia gen. nov. (type species: Sazonia gorodinskii sp. nov.), including two new subgenera, Sazonia subgen. nov. and Miniosa subgen. nov. (type species: Sesia fenusaeformis Herrich-Schaffer, 1852), and a new species, Sazonia (Sazonia) gorodinskii sp. nov. are described and figured from extra-tropical Asia. Probable trends of the origin of all these taxa are discussed.
Key Words: Lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Osminiini, new genus, new subgenus, new species, China, Anatolia, taxonomy.
Sazonia (Sazonia) gorodinskii sp. nov.
Sazonia  gorodinskii
Figs 1-2. Sazonia spp. 1-2, Sazonia (Sazonia) gorodinskii gen. et sp. nov.: 1, holotype, male, alar expanse 18.6mm (COGM); 2, paratype, female, alar expanse 19.2mm (COGM).
Description.Male (holotype) (Fig. 1). Alar expanse 18.6mm; body length 12.5 mm; forewing length 8.5mm; antenna length 5.3mm. Head: antenna dark brown to black with dark purple-blue sheen, with admixture of individual yellow scales dorsally in apical half; scapus dorsally dark brown to black with admixture of white scales ventrally; frons dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, with pair of narrow but ventrally broadened, lateral, white stripes; labial palpus dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, with admixture of white scales dorsally on basal two joints; vertex black with green-bronze sheen, with admixture of few golden-yellow scales; occipital fringe dorsally golden-yellow, laterally pale yellow.
Thorax: patagia dark brown to black with bronze-green sheen, with admixture of individual yellow scales anteriorly; tegula and mesothorax dark brown to black with bronze-green sheen, densely covered with white, hair-like scales; metathorax dark brown to black with bronze-green sheen, with tuft of white hairs on each side; thorax laterally dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, with few pale yellow scales medially; posteriorly metepimeron and metameron dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, densely covered with long, hair-like, white scales.
Legs: neck plate dark grey-brown with green-bronze sheen, with admixture of individual white scales; fore coxa dark grey-brown with green-bronze sheen, with narrow, cream-coloured stripe externally; fore femur dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, with white, hair-like scales at posterior margin; fore tibia dorsally dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, ventrally yellow-orange; fore tarsus dorsally dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, ventrally pale yellow with admixture of dark grey-brown scales distally on each tarsomere; mid coxa dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, covered with white, hair-like scales; mid femur dark grey- brown with bronze sheen, with white, hair-like scales at posterior margin; mid tibia dark grey-brown with bronze-purple sheen, with admixture of white, hair- like to setaceous scales exterior-medially; spurs cream to pale yellow with golden sheen, with admixture of dark grey-brown scales dorsally; mid tarsus dorsally dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, ventrally pale yellow with admixture of dark grey-brown scales distally on each tarsomere; hind coxa dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, covered with white, hair-like scales; hind femur dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, with white, hair-like scales at posterior margin; hind tibia externally dark grey-brown with bronze-purple sheen, with admixture of white, hair-like scales medio-dorsally and with few white scales between bases of both pairs of spurs, internally white to pale cream with admixture of grey- brown scales distally; spurs cream to pale yellow with golden sheen, with admixture of dark grey-brown scales dorsally; hind tarsus dorsally dark grey-brown with bronze-green sheen, ventrally pale yellow with admixture of dark grey-brown scales distally on each tarsomere.
Abdomen: dorsally dark brown to black with green-bronze sheen; tergites 2 and 4-6 each with narrow, yellow stripe posteriorly; tergites 3 and 7 each with admixture of yellow scales posteriorly, ventrally dark grey-brown with green-bronze sheen; sternites 4 and 5 each with narrow, white stripe posteriorly; sternite 3 with few white scales posteriorly; anal tuft dark brown to black with green-bronze sheen, with narrow, white margins basally black with strong bronze sheen, with few yellow scales; costal margin dark grey-brown with green-bronze sheen, with admixture of individual yellow scales; CuA-stem, anal margin, discal spot, and veins within external transparent area dark grey-brown with bronze sheen; apical area dark grey-brown with bronze sheen, with admixture of individual pale yellow scales between veins proximally; discal spot broad, slightly broadened costally; transparent areas rather well developed; external transparent area divided into 5 cells (cells between veins R3-R4+5 and Mg-CuA very small and covered with white scales), level to vein M2 about 1.5 times as broad as discal spot and slightly broader than apical area; cilia grey-brown with bronze sheen.
Hindwing: transparent; veins and outer margin dark grey-brown with dark bronze sheen; discal spot narrow, cuneiform, extending to base of common stem of Mg-CuA outer margin narrow, about twice as narrow as cilia; cilia grey-brown with bronze sheen anally at inner margin.
Male genitalia (genital preparation No. GA-193) (Fig. 6a-d): tegumen-uncus complex relatively short and broad; uncus well separated from tegumen, mace-shaped, entirely and densely covered with short, hair-like setae; tegumen longer than uncus; gnathos well developed, beak-shaped; valva slightly turned up in distal third, somewhat narrowed and rounded distally, ventral margin narrowly covered with long, hair-like setae, with low fold medially; saccus short, rounded basally, somewhat shorter than vinculum; aedeagus slightly longer than length of valva, gradually thinner distally; vesica with elongate brush of thick, pointed cornuti.
Female (paratype) (Fig. 2). Alar expanse 19.2mm; body length 10.0mm; forewing length 8.0 mm; antenna length 5.0 mm. Somewhat more robust than male. Antenna without yellow scales dorsally in apical half. Thorax with tegula dark brown to black with bronze-green sheen, with small, yellow spot at base of forewing. Abdominal tergites 2 and 4-6 each with narrow, yellow stripe posteriorly; sternites 4r-6 each with narrow, pale yellow stripe posteriorly; sternite 3 with few pale yellow scales posteriorly; anal tuft dark brown to black with green-bronze sheen, with 2, narrow, white stripes medially. Forewing with external transparent area divided into 4 cells (cell between veins Mg-CuAj very small and covered with white scales), level to vein M2 about 1.5 times as broad as discal spot and slightly broader than apical area; cilia grey-brow with bronze sheen. Colour patterns otherwise as in male. Female genitalia (genital preparation No. GA-240) (Fig. 8): papillae anales relatively long and broad, covered with short setae; sternite 8 broad, covered with relatively short setae; posterior apophysis about 1.3 times longer than anterior apophysis; latter with long, narrow appendix ventro-basally; both lamellae antevaginalis and postvaginalis undeveloped; ostium bursae at middle of intersegmental membrane between segments 7 and 8, broad, well sclerotized, protruding, densely covered with minute spines; antrum well sclerotized, long, broad, distinctly narrowing anteriorly; ductus bursae narrow, membranous, about as long as antrum; corpus bursae ovoid, membranous, with large, triangular, pocket-shaped signum.
Individual variability. This new species varies slightly in the number of yellow scales on the thorax and abdomen and white scales on the head and legs. Besides that, both males and females are somewhat variable in individual size: alar expanse 17.5-19.3 mm; body length 10.0-13.5 mm; forewing length 7.5-9.2 mm; antenna length 5.0-5.4 mm.
Differential diagnosis. This new species differs from Sazonia (Miniosa) fenusaeformis, comb. nov. by the coloration of the patagia (without yellow scales anteriorly in the latter species) and the dorsal side of the abdomen (tergites 2, 4, and 6 each with narrow, pale yellow to white stripe posteriorly in S. (M.) fenusaeformis, and by the subgeneric characters. Sazonia (Sazonia) gorodinskii sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other Palaearctic and Oriental Sesiidae by the features given in the generic diagnosis.
Bionomics. The larval biology is unknown. The type series was collected by net in the middle of July at an altitude of about 2,000m a.s.l.
Habitat. Slopes of gullies in a pine forest.
Distribution. Known only from the type locality in southern China (Yunnan Province).
Material examined. Holotype: male (Fig. 1), S. China, Yunnan Prov., 12km S. of Baoshan, 2000m, 15.VII.1998, S. Sazonov leg. (genital preparation No. GA-193) (COGM). Paratypes: 1 female, same locality and date, S. Sazonov leg. (genital preparation No. GA-240) (COGM); 1 female (Fig. 2), same locality, 2000m, 10.VII.1998, A. Gorodinski leg. (COGM); 1 female, same locality and date, A. Gorodinski leg. (COGM); 1 male, 1 female, same locality, 2000m, 14.VII.2000, A. Gorodinski leg. (COGM); 1 male,, same locality and date, A. Gorodinski (CAGM); 1 female, same locality and date, A. Gorodinski leg. (CSSM).
Etymology. The name of this new species is dedicated to Andrei A. Gorodinski, an lepidopterist (Moscow, Russia), who collected part of the type series.
The number of review: 5285