WALLACE   VOl.4, No.2    30 September, 1998

Two new subspecies of
Parnassius simo Gray, 1853 (Lepidoptera:Papilionidae)
from Eastern TIBET and Northern Yunnan, CHINA.
Yuichi Kawasaki
2-3-33 Nakashima-chuo, Oita 870 JAPAN
Abstract : In this paper, I describe two new subspecies of Parnassius simo Gray, 1853 from Eastern TIBET and Northen Yunnan
CHINA as follows: Parnassius simo demolensis, Parnassius simo yunnanensis.
Keywords : Papilionidae, Parnassius, new subspecies, TIBET. Yunnan, CHINA, taxonomy.
Parnassius simo yunnanensis KAWASAKI ssp.nov.
Holotype : male(Pl.l1, No.5), Fore wing length 21mm, Mt.Baima Xueshan alt.4300m - 4400m North Yunnan CHINA 9-18 Jun.1990
in coll.Kawasaki(Oita,JAPAN).
Paratype(including Allotype):8 males, 5 females Mt.Baima Xueshan, alt.4300m- 5000m, 28" 19' N/97" 58' E, 8- 14 Jun.1989:
12 males, 7 females Same data as holotype:14 males, 9 females Mt.Baima Xueshan, 28" 21' N/99" 03' E, 30 May-3 Jun.1992
6 males, 6 females S. of Deqen, Baima Pass alt.4600m, 26 Jun.1998 Leg A. Gorodinski.
Very interesting population of Parnassius simo had
been obtained from Mt.Baima Xueshan, Northern
Yunnan CHINA on 1989 - 1997. This population has
particular peculiarities and distinguishable from
neighbouring subspecies described from Eastern
TIBET and Western Sichuan, by the following cha-
racteristics. So I describe this population as a new
subspecies in this paper. This subspecific name is
derived from Yunnan CHINA.
The characteristics of P.simo yunnanensis
  • Fore wing length, 19mm ~~ 24mm, smaller than ssp.lenzeni and ssp.fickleri.
  • Ground colour is yellowish cream.
  • Red ocellus in cell 8 of fore wing is absent in almost speciments, while in ssp.fickleri it is well developed.
  • Marginal black band and submarginal black spots series of hind wing are well developed.
  • Basal black scales of hind wing are very well developed.
  • Red ocelli in cells 5 and 7 of hind wing are smaller than those of neighbouring subspecies.
  • Basal red ocellus on underside of hind wing is absent in almost speciments, on the other hand, in ssp.fickleri it is usually well developed.
- Acknowledgements-
I would like to express special thanks to following persons for their kindness and support.

Dr.Klaus Rose, Mr.Willi Fickler, Mr.Robert Westphal, Dr.J.C.Weiss Late, Mr. Wako Kitawaki, Mr.Andre Gorodinski, Dr.Kyoichiro
Ueda, Dr.Keiichi Omoto, Mr.Seiji Sakai, Mr.Shiro Sugisawa, Mr.Akio Shinkai, Mr.Hidehiko Mikami, Mr.Shigeru Inaoka, Mr.Bin
Koiwaya, Mr.Yasuyuki Watanabe, Mr.Keishi Nishida, Mr.Alois Helia, Mr.Evgeniy Tarasov, Mr.Yasushi Sorimachi, Dr. Ammosov
Oleg, Dr. Zdenek Mracek.

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The number of review: 11734